As the Biden administration finalizes the next round of stimulus, many Americans will receive their third check from the government in less than a year. Despite the intent for consumers to spend this cash immediately, many consumers are showing behaviors that indicate they will choose to save it.
In order for businesses to benefit from this stimulus, it is imperative to accurately forecast for the moment when consumers will finally be ready to spend their checks.
But that is only one of the many challenges and opportunities that this legislation will create for businesses in 2021. A potential rise in inflation, extension of unemployment benefits, and investments in niche areas of the economy will all play significant roles in impacting revenue growth for companies.
Listen to Andrew Duguay, chief economist at Prevedere, as he shares the potential impacts of this legislation on the business environment this year, as well as the key areas of focus for business planning in 2021.
In this webinar, some of the topics that Andrew will address are:
- How to create intelligent forecasts to accurately predict when the consumer will spend their stimulus check
- Planning for an inflationary business environment
- The impact of new regulations on both consumer behavior and the tightening labor market
About Prevedere, Inc.
Prevedere is a predictive analytics software company that delivers insights into future business outcomes based on current economic trends. Our predictive economic intelligence helps executives see what lies ahead for their business and solve for upcoming risks and opportunities. Our SaaS solutions apply the power of machine learning and predictive modeling to more than 3 million indicators of global economic and consumer activity. Prevedere customers include Fortune 500 industry leaders in retail, manufacturing, and consumer packaged goods. To learn more, visit www.prevedere.comand follow @Prevedere on Twitter.