Demand Planning & Forecasting
Deliver unbiased, fact-based demand forecasting using real-time economic and consumer behavior indicators.
Myth: Creating accurate and timely demand forecasting is impossible.
Increased product commoditization, pandemic, geopolitics, government handouts, global economic volatility, razor-thin margins: Could your job to develop accurate demand forecasts face any more challenges? With our Demand Planning and Forecasting solution, you can leverage the most predictive economic leading indicators of your top line, across your regions and channels. Generate fact-based forecasts in minutes that include a consensus of historical sales, and thousands of real-time leading indicators from Prevedere’s real-time global data repository.
Key Demand Planning Insights

Data-Informed Forecast for Scenario Planning: Food and Beverage Industry Company Scenario Planning Case Study
Enhance demand forecast accuracy with real-time global data.

External Drivers of Demand
By scouring thousands of sources daily, we have developed the first model-ready global data cloud. Search our database of millions global data sets as easy as a Google search. Refine your search by data, source, or frequency. Integrate the right external demand drivers for your products and services within your application to improve forecast accuracy.

Demand Planning and Forecasting with Predictive Behaviors
In a matter of minutes, you and your team can analyze your internal data against millions of external factors to identify leading indicators of demand changes. Our proprietary algorithms use advanced statistical analysis and pattern matching to provide you unprecedented insight into what drives your business. By using the processing power of cloud computing, you can run multiple analysis at once – by business unit, product category – nationally or regionally.

Demand Forecasting
Move beyond historical forecast that look just at past behavior to a holistic driver based forecast. Along with access to the entire R library Prevedere gives you patent pending advanced statistical algorithms that forecast with greater accuracy than SAP APO and legacy planning tools. By leveraging true drivers of demand using both internal and external factors we help companies reduce forecast error by greater than 50% on average.

Real time updates and integration
Changing gas prices, climate, can and consumer shopping patterns are just an example of factors that make it difficult or impossible to forecast using traditional systems and processes that rely mainly on internal historical performance. Prevedere seamlessly connects with traditional forecast applications to provide new, better, and faster insight innovating without replacing the tools you use today.
How would this work in the real world?
Most demand forecasting planning processes rely heavily on historical and internal data. Knowing the future is mission critical and this is only accomplished by looking outside your 4 walls for external drivers of performance. This whitepaper provides insight on the value of external data across 5 key areas of any business.
Download “Using Exogenous Data to Increase Return on Equity and Assets” (PDF).