Last Updated: June 22, 2018
Twice a month, we bring you headlines from around the industry to keep you informed of the latest trends and conversations. Whether you are in marketing, sales, insights and innovation or finance, we are your go-to source to learn how predictive analytics, machine learning, and AI, combined with human intelligence, can transform business planning and performance.
AI and Data Science: Accelerating Supply Chain Industry
By leveraging the overwhelming amount of data enterprises have at their disposal, organizations can not only envision the future with a certain degree of accuracy but also be better prepared for spur-of-the-moment market events. The best way for enterprises to take advantage of artificial and advanced analytics technologies is to deploy them in the supply chain, the most data-rich environment in almost every business.
From optimizing inventory management to mapping out and predicting consumer behaviors, artificial intelligence and data science create an environment for faster and more accurate decision making. As a majority of enterprises plan on heavily investing in big data analytics and artificial intelligence in 2018, this article lists three benefits of using this technology in the supply chain. Read it here.
CBRE Outlines Trends That Will Shape Retailing By 2030
There is no doubt that 2017 was a transformational year for retailers. From IoT & beacons to predictive analytics and artificial intelligence, the industry saw how the adoption of new technology can have a significant impact on performance. According to new insights released by CBRE at the MAPIC retail real estate conference, the merging of e-commerce and in-store functions into omnichannel operations and an increasing focus on providing shoppers relevant & meaningful experiences via artificial intelligence will shape the retail industry of 2030.
As the retail industry evolves, commercial retail firms must adapt with it. “The future of retail will change more than we can ever imagine,” said Natasha Patel, CBRE Director, Global Retail Research. Read the top eight retail trends of 2030.
Why 2018 Is All About Customer Experience For The Retail Industry
Successful retailing in 2018 and beyond boils down to obsessing over customer experience and making sure that touchpoints, both online and in-store, work together flawlessly. In order to accomplish this, retailers must break down vertical data silos and look at their data as one massive asset.
In this Forbes article, Gartner analysts Sucharita Mulpuru-Kodali and Brendan Witcher list a few of their predictions for the 2018 retail industry, including total U.S. retail sales growth along with online sales for the $800 billion U.S. grocery market taking off as well. Read the article here.
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