10-Minute Webinar: 2018 Tax Reform Impact
The Tax Reform and Jobs Act, which went into effect in December, prompted a slew of marquee American businesses, like Home Depot, FedEx, Walmart, and Disney, among many others, to reward their employees with the savings they made. Some companies paid their employees in the form of bonuses, some with wage hikes and others with a bump in their 401K. This windfall of approximately $1.7 billion is forecasted to become discretionary spend into the American economy, providing a short-term economic boon for consumers and businesses alike.
Is there an opportunity for retailers and CPG to take advantage of this instant consumer spending and avoid the slowdown that plagued the industry in Q1 2017?
Download our ten-minute – 2018 Tax Reform Impact micro-webinar to hear Prevedere economist Andrew Duguay, senior economist at Prevedere, explain which companies will have an opportunity to take advantage of the Q1 2018 bonus season.
About the Speaker
About Prevedere
Prevedere is an industry insights and predictive analytics company, helping business leaders make better decisions by providing a real-time view of their company’s future. Our external real-time insights engine constantly monitors the world’s data, identifying future threats or opportunities to business performance. Along with a team of industry experts, data scientist, and economists, Prevedere helps business leaders make the right decisions in an ever-changing world.