Prevedere Discover
The indicator correlation engine
for Advanced Predictive Planning
Prevedere Discover - Identify external drivers of your business
Prevedere Discover is a search and correlation engine that allows organizations to quickly identify the most predictive leading indicators specific to their business and/or markets. It analyzes millions of global economic data series from thousands of public and private sources, and identifies which indicators contribute to outcomes.
Discover leverages the Prevedere Indicators global data repository and compares years of trends, patterns and lead/lag behaviors of millions of drivers, to find out which external forces actually impact a client’s line of business (whether total, or for a channel, division, product or category).
Benefits of discovering
business drivers
Identify your unique set of leading economic indicators and their lead times
Enable stage 1 of the predictive AI modeling process - Discovery
Educate your business leaders on the exact economic drivers of their LOBs
Create a market savvy business with relevant economic intelligence
Stages of the Predictive AI Lifecycle
Correlation engine able to identify specific drivers and lead/lag indicators related to either a corporate business or market segment
Econometrics-based machine learning engine designed to create, score, test & refine predictive models, and generate forecasts
Vary planning assumptions and project future business outcomes for 3 plausible macroeconomic scenarios: pessimistic, baseline and optimistic
Automated monitoring of forecast models predictive health, providing an early warning system with alerts when prediction changes
Prevedere enables the intelligent enterprise
Intelligent Discovery
Prevedere Discover correlates millions of economic, industry and behavioral signals to identify the most impactful and predictive indicators for your organization and lines of business
Intelligent Forecasting
Prevedere Predict enables the creation, testing and refining of economic based prediction models, forecasts and scenarios for use by CFOs, FP&A and operational planners.
Intelligent Monitoring
Prevedere Protect is an automated AI capability that monitors future external market conditions for unplanned changes, and alerts business owners of unexpected future conditions.
Enables systematic and scalable
econometric modeling
Old way
Manual Econometric Modeling
Time consuming
Fewer inputs
Limited number of models and tests
Laborious to update
New and improved way
AI Powered Econometric Model
Millions of models built
Scored and ranked in minutes
Leveraging fitness functions to create the best model
40% improvement
vs manually built models