C-Series for Resilience Planning in a COVID Economy
Scenario Planning
Chris Wheeler, Prevedere VP of Partnerships, and Evan Smith, a former operating executive, recently discussed how scenario planning helps leaders be successful in the current recession in a Prevedere podcast. Early in the pandemic, executives trying to navigate the economic crisis the pandemic created turned to “scenario planning” as a guide. With the continued uncertainty of the future, the capability to efficiently develop and quickly iterate scenarios for planning will create a competitive advantage for corporations.
This document outlines key takeaways from their discussion, including:
- Traditional forecasting takes too long and is too narrow in scope
- There’s a drive to discover new ways to harness real-time power
- The shift towards scenario planning starts with a shift in mindset
Download now for the remaining takeaways and expert commentary.
About Prevedere, Inc.
Prevedere is a predictive analytics software company that delivers insights into future business outcomes based on current economic trends. Our predictive economic intelligence helps executives see what lies ahead for their business and solve for upcoming risks and opportunities. Our SaaS solutions apply the power of machine learning and predictive modeling to more than 2.5 million indicators of global economic and consumer activity. Prevedere customers include Fortune 500 industry leaders in retail, manufacturing, and consumer packaged goods. To learn more, visit www.prevedere.comand follow @Prevedere on Twitter.