Sales Planning & Forecasting

Boost sales plan accuracy by forecasting how economic changes impact your markets.

Has sales planning turned into sales guessing?

Does your company see sales planning as throwing darts on a wall? Is this year’s forecast merely last year’s numbers plus 5%? You know there must be a better way. There is, and it is called sales planning and forecasting.

Prevedere uses the power of cloud computing for you to analyze the impact of economic and consumer behavior trends at city, regional, and national levels. Sales planning and forecasting allows you to create a data-driven and defensible sales plan for all your products and territories with exceptional predictive insight.

Key Sales Planning Insights

Data-Informed Forecast for Industrial Packaging: Industrial Packaging Company Case Study


B2B Planning for Economic Recovery; Understanding Scenario Planning Through a Recession

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Consumer goods case study cover.

Data-Informed Forecast for Scenario Planning: Multi-Billion Dollar Retailer Case Study


Develop more accurate and defensible sales planning and forecasting

Sales Plan Validation
By accessing millions of global economic, climate, and consumer behavior data-sets, we can determine the external factors that help or hurt future sales. We call this “future economic capacity”. By understanding these figures using Prevedere, you can develop a sales forecast that is a true representation of your territory, region, or state.

North American predict sales planning.
In one powerful graphic, you can easily see which markets are forecast to exceed targets and which markets will face challenges. By leveraging microeconomic data sets from thousands of sources, you can develop forecast models for all of your territories, by product. Armed with this information, you can focus on the areas that need the most help.

Financial forecasting intelligence economic risk report.

European predict sales planning.
Before creating any sales plan, understand the upcoming economic risks that could greatly affect your consumer’s demand. The Economic Risk Report gives you a month-by-month outlook of the most predictive external factors, how they will change over time, and the resultant impact on sales performance.

United Kingdom predict sales planning.
After creating a forecast using the most predictive external factors, Prevedere allows you to test various scenarios before committing to any sales goals or plan. Changes in pricing, distribution of product, entering/exiting a market, even staffing changes can all be included to see how your sales forecast changes.

How would this work in the real world?

For a leading manufacturing company, sales planning was always a painful activity. Their existing process started with senior management providing a top-down target (usually last year’s target plus 10%). In trying to form a consensus, many arguments rose from proposed theories such as the impact of rainfall on consumer behavior. With Prevedere, they were able to refute long held beliefs – in this case, it was found that rainfall had no statistical impact on sales. They were also able to expand their external data analysis to include other factors such as housing starts, discretionary spending, and real average hourly earnings.

By using Prevedere’s models, the consensus amongst executives and department heads was reached quicker while delivering accurate predictive sales planning that grew the business profitably.

“With Prevedere, we’re able to quickly test our assumptions on what drove performance changes in the past. This ultimately allows us to make decisions for the future with greater confidence.”