Prevedere Customer Advisory Board

Fall 2023 Event

Wednesday-Friday | November 8-10, 2023
1 Hotel, Nashville, TN

An invitation-only gathering for customers to:

Hear product updates from Prevedere  •  Discuss use cases with industry peers
Learn from leading analysts  •  Enjoy beautiful Nashville, Tennessee!


Why should I join the Prevedere CAB fall event?

The Prevedere CAB event includes a select group of members representing our most valued customers. During the event, CAB members will have the opportunity to provide feedback to help inform strategic planning, product performance, and long-term growth of Prevedere services and solutions.


By attending, CAB members will benefit from helping shape Prevedere’s products’ direction, hearing the latest  macroeconomic trends and predictive insights presented by the Prevedere economist team, and networking with their industry-leading peers.

Agenda at a Glance

Wednesday, Nov 8: Arrivals


12:00-4:00pm: Arrivals and check-in

5:00pm Happy hour, 6:00pm Dinner at Sinatra Bar & Lounge



Thursday, Nov 9: Customer Advisory Board


8:30am-9:15am: CEO Welcome, Introductions, and Business update

9:15am-9:45am: New Product Releases & Roadmap

9:45-10:30am: Platform Feedback & Discussion

10:30-10:45am: Break

10:45-11:45am: Customer Spotlight – Matt Walz, General Mills: Journey to Maximizing Platform Value

12:00-1:00pm: Lunch

1:00-1:45pm: Customer Case Study – Chuck Sample, Pella: Integrating Predictive Planning Across the Organization

1:45-3pm: Economic Update and Q&A

3pm-3:15pm: Break

3:15-4pm: Customer Panel Discussion: Intelligent Forecasting in Action

4-4:30pm: Lighthouse Opportunities: Shaping Product Development

4:30-4:45pm: Wrap up & Closing

5:00pm Happy hour, 6:00pm Dinner at House of Cards


Friday, Nov 10: Customer Advisory Board (con’t.)


9-9:45am: Advanced Platform Capabilities

9:45am-10:30am: Realizing Value: Leveraging Predictive Insights for Business Decision-Making

10:30-10:45: Break

10:45-12:00: Customer Workshops: 1:1’s with Prevedere Economists and Platform Experts

12:00pm: Group lunch (optional)

PM: Departures


We hope you can join us!

Registration is by invitation only.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to your Customer Success Director by October 5, 2023.